Well it's been awhile. I have been busy I guess, not really. I write in my journal more than I do on here.
So alot has happened, Gracelyn is still loving shool and is learning alot. I still can't believe she will be 6 soon. They grow up to fast. She is a lot of fun to have around, she loves to help with anything and everything. She's a little mine me. She is excited for her birthday in 7 weeks. She is silly. She is excited to get a little brother soon. So she has someone else to boss around.
Jada doesn't understand what No means and thinks she can gtaway withy anything. She has been the baby to long, thats my fault. Anyways, I love having her home with me most days, she just plays all day and only wants me to color with her I can't play barbie's or dolls, just her and Gracelyn can do that. They do play well with easchother most days. But thats sisters for you. I love having girls just not the drama and crying all the time over nothing.
It will be great to have another baby around, seems like I have forgotten alot about babies so i hope i remember soon i have 14 weeks left and i can't wait to see him and see the look on Greg's face. He is excited to have a boy he just doesn't say much about it. Seems like this baby is alot more wiggly then my girls were but I was busy working with my other two kids. I was a waitress with Grace until I gave birth to her, I was a nanny when I was pregnant with Jada but that only lasted 5 or 6 months.
I have been trying to get scrapbooks done and organized, no i don't want to join a swap party. I can do the pages it's finding the time to just sit and do it. I do and i get bored with it. so i do other things. I have a lot to do I don't even have my wedding pictures done and I will be married for 7 years in April. sad sad I know.
thats my goal this month. Try and scrapbook everyday before Greg gets home.
I also have done a dinner calendar, it's been nice to have and know what to make for dinner. I went grocery shopping for two week dinners, so i just need to get the rest of the month done. because i hate to cook and i wait until the last minute to fix something and good thing greg isn't afraid to cook. or he would starve. oh well we aren't perfect. i'm not. sorry to go on an on but thats all i have no news, nothing exciting, have a nice day
You dont have too much longer to wait. Your girls are cute. David was excited for a girl, but he didn't say much either. Thanks for sharing.