WOW!!! Time has gone fast we had a great Christmas and New Years! I'm glad it's all over with.. on to a new year 2012!! so much has happened from the last post. I'm quitting my job because i'm sick of not being home on the weekends and being able to do anything wth my husband and kids. Its been nice working but i miss my family. Kids are small for only a little while and even though they drive me nuts i still love them. I hate when they have no school because gracelyn and jada fight all day. I don't like when they whine and make a mess. just having one of those days, who am i kidding i have them everyother day.
Liam is now 8 months old and crawling and pulls himself up to everything he loves to get into everything, he is still not sleeping through the night the most he sleeps is 4 or 5 hours. when he does sleep all night i will have a heartattack. i can run on 2 hours of sleep so i'm not complaining. I love having a baby around!! i love that baby boy so much he has brought alot of joy and love into our lives.
Gracelyn is doing well in school one of the top readers in her class and will soon be 7 in march. time has gone by way to fast. Jada is 4 and lovs to make a mess and never cleans it up, she loves to read books and play barbies and dolls. its fun to sit and listen to them play and the stuff they say is hilarious.
I wrecked my car my lincoln navigator and it was bad i hit a deer an now we only have one vehicle and i don't like it. i will never do that again, which it wasn't my fault, the deer came out of nowhere. it's in the shop and i hope i get it back soon. thats the first time i have ever been in a crash not fun at all. at least i killed the dam deer!!!!! anyways i wasn't hurt and i didn't have the kids with me. the air bags didn't go off which i'm glad because i might have had a broken neck or black eyes i sit close to the steering wheel. so i'm glad they didn't go off.
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